In the beginning, there was a sound. And from the sound all things were created. Some say the sound was Ohm, Om, or Amen. Ohm is the sound of Home. It takes us home to ourselves and our sacred connection with Source. We begin our healing journey with the sound of Ohm. Chanting or listening [...]
Tuning Forks Level 1: Accessing the Extraordinary Vessels

Tuning fork therapy is based on the principles of sound healing and the knowledge of acupressure points and the chakras. When tuning forks are placed on specific acupressure points they access the innate wisdom of the complete being (body, mind & soul) to create opportunities for perfect health and balance for that individual’s development.
Students will be introduced to the theory of sound healing and the infinite healing powers of the extraordinary vessels. Students will learn to give and receive a sound healing session using tuning forks.
Students require 2 Mid Ohm tuning forks. A Professional Activator Belt is recommended.
Sound Healing: Vibrational Healing with Ohm Tuning Forks, by Marjorie de Muynck, 2008
Acutonics®: There’s No Place Like Ohm ~ Sound, Healing, Oriental Medicine and the Cosmic Mysteries, by Donna Carey and Marjorie de Muynck, 2003
A Manual of Acupuncture, by Peter Deadman, Mazin Al-Khafaji with Kevin Baker, 1998
Basic Acupressure: The Extraordinary Channels and Points, by Michael Reed Gach, 1995
The Channels of Acupuncture: Clinical Use of the Secondary Channels and Eight Extraordinary Vessels, by Giovanni Maciocia, 2006
Wheels of Light: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, by Anodea Judith, 2004
Sound healing experiences of Brenda Molloy.
Lesson 2: Sound & Vibration
Compiled by Marjorie de Muynck “Sound is the hearing part of Vibration and Vibration is the feeling part of Sound” …. Marjorie de Muynck Sound is energy; it is the basis of form and shape. The laws governing Quantum Physics demonstrate that everything in the Universe is made up of vibrational fields, […]
Lesson 3: Ohm, Octaves and Overtones
Ohm In Hindu cosmology, Ohm is considered a Source Tone. Ohm is a seed syllable used in mantras. According to ancient Sanskrit religious texts, the syllable, mantra and vibration of Ohm is said to be the primordial sound of the Universe. For this reason, the Ohm vibration is thought to contain all sound; just as […]
Lesson 4: Tuning Fork Technique
Tuning forks are lightweight sound healing tools. When activated their vibration is easily directed on the body, and in the energetic field around the body. With tuning forks, sound energy is uniquely and effectively transferred to the body, making them easy tools to incorporate into a wide range of healing modalities. The purity of the […]
Lesson 5: Acu-Points
Measurements Measurements are indicated in cun (pronounced soon). I have maintained use of this term because it occurs throughout the acupuncture literature, although it is often expressed as “inches” or with the inch mark (“). Remember that these measurements are approximate. They are close enough to get you into the area; then you must palpate. […]
Lesson 6: The Seven In-Body Chakras
ROOT or BASE CHAKRA LOCATION: Base of the spine (coccyx), pelvic floor COLOR: Red (secondary color is black) ELEMENT: Earth FUNCTIONS: Gives vitality to the physical body. Life-force, survival, self-preservation, instincts. GLANDS: Adrenals ORGANS: Kidneys, spinal column QUALIITIES/LESSONS: Matters relating to the material world, success. The physical body, mastery of the body. Grounding, individuality, stability, […]
Lesson 7: Chakra Balancing Routine
Beginning the Session Activate the 2 Ohm forks. Hold them to your ears & listen. Then hold them to your client’s ears and allow them to listen. Move to client’s feet. Activate the 2 Ohm forks. Apply a fork to K1 on each foot and hold. Repeat x 2. Activate the 2 Ohm forks. Place […]
Lesson 8: What is Chi?
Simply put chi is the Chinese word for energy. Some other names include ki, qi, prana, mana, life-force. It is the motivating and animating force of everything in our world, solar system and universe. In Nature nothing exists or happens without Chi. There would be no Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter. There would be no […]
Lesson 9: The Extraordinary Vessels
The Meridian System In the body there are 12 meridians associated with the organs of the body. These are referred to as Regular Meridians. The 12 meridians have acupoints of their own along their pathways. The 12 meridians combine to create one Grand Meridian. There are an additional 8 energy pathways. These are known as […]
Lesson 10: Accessing the Extraordinary Vessels Routine
Beginning the Session Activate the 2 Ohm forks. Hold them to your ears & listen. Then hold them to your client’s ears and allow them to listen. Move to client’s feet. Activate the 2 Ohm forks. Apply a fork to K1 on each foot and hold. Repeat x 2. Activate the 2 Ohm forks. Place […]