

Brenda Molloy is a Registered Shiatsu Therapist, Registered with the Shiatsu Therapy Association of BC.

Studio Chi West Kelowna Reiki Training Shiatsu Acupressure Reiki Courses Tuning Forks Resource School: Shiatsu Therapy Association of BC logo


Acupressure Session$200
Acupressure for Emotional Release$120 for 1 hour
$200 for 2 hours
Reiki$120 for 1 hour
$200 for 2 hours
Sound Healing Facial$120 for 1 hour
Tuning Fork Therapy$120 for 1 hour
$200 for 2 hours
Sound Healing Session$120 for 1 hour
$200 for 2 hours

Feng Shui Services for homes or businesses. Contact Brenda for more information.

Book a Service


Traveling Your Rainbow Bridge CD by Brenda Molloy$15
3 for $35

Tuning Forks, Crystal Bowls & Metal Bowls, can be ordered through Brenda Molloy.

GST will be added to all Healing Arts Services

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