Tuning Forks Level 2: Opening the Rivers of Qi
Tuning fork therapy is based on the principles of sound healing and the knowledge of acupressure points and the chakras. When tuning forks are placed on specific acupressure points they access the innate wisdom of the complete being (body, mind & soul) to create opportunities for perfect health and balance for that individual’s development.
Students will learn about octaves and intervals and how they apply to the theory of sound healing and tuning fork therapy, as well as the opening qualities of the New Moon &/or Luna forks. Students will build upon their skills acquired in Level 1 with 3 new treatment protocols to apply in practice.
Students require 2 Mid Ohm tuning forks, 1 Low Ohm tuning fork, 1 Mid Luna tuning fork & 1 Low Luna tuning fork, or Luna Planetary 5th tuning fork set.
Sound Healing: Vibrational Healing with Ohm Tuning Forks, by Marjorie de Muynck, 2008
Acutonics®: There’s No Place Like Ohm ~ Sound, Healing, Oriental Medicine and the Cosmic Mysteries, by Donna Carey and Marjorie de Muynck, 2003
The Body as a Harp ~ Sound and Acupuncture Book 3, by Fabien Maman, 2005
A Manual of Acupuncture, by Peter Deadman, Mazin Al-Khafaji with Kevin Baker, 1998
Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture, by Andrew Ellis, Nigel Wiseman, Ken Boss, 1991
Anatomical Drawing by Lacey Smith.
Sound healing experiences of Brenda Molloy.