Sharon Purdy | Chi Weaver Shiatsu

Sharon Purdy | Chi Weaver Shiatsu

My experiences at Studio Chi have been incredibly inspiring, most rewarding and positively life altering. I was introduced to Studio Chi as I was seeking a new direction in my career path. Following a lengthy career as a teacher in the B.C. public school system, I enrolled in the Shiatsu Practitioner’s Training Program in the fall of 2006. I found that Brenda Molloy and the instructors of Studio Chi imparted the knowledge of their respective areas of expertise with finesse, wisdom and dedication. Full professional integrity prevailed. I always looked forward to classes where all of the concepts and skills were meticulously presented in a variety of interest piquing ways. Often, lessons paved the way to profound insights. Regular opportunities for practicing and polishing skills were provided. All program assessments were relevant, thorough and fair, providing supportive feedback to assist in further personal and professional developmental growth. My year of Shiatsu training not only provided me with a base of conceptual knowledge and a variety of pertinent skills but also effectively provided me with a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual overhaul. I emerged feeling renewed, revitalized and prepared to begin offering Shiatsu to others. I successfully completed the full requirements for the Practitioner’s level of certification by the fall of 2007. Personally, I found earning this certification more rewarding and fulfilling than receiving my university degree. I have been successfully building Chi Weaver Shiatsu, a home based Shiatsu practice, and I have continued to enroll in a variety classes offered at Studio Chi to further enhance my personal and professional growth.